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Guangdong and Hong Kong Customs Launches "Cross-border Locking Scheme"

Author:Anonymous      release time:2016-07-14       source:The internet

  Recently, the Guangdong Customs and the Customs and Excise Department jointly announced that the formal full implementation of the "cross-border a lock program", and enable the new cross-border rapid customs clearance system. This will greatly enhance the efficiency of customs clearance of cross-boundary transhipment cargoes between Hong Kong and Guangdong and further streamline the declaration procedures.

  It is understood that the "cross-border one-lock scheme" is the Hong Kong Customs "multi-mode intermodal transit cargo facilitation program" with the Guangdong Customs "cross-border rapid customs clearance" two docking mode for import and export enterprises to provide seamless Customs clearance services. In the new system, the Guangdong and Hong Kong Customs shall apply the same electronic lock and GPS equipment to the Mainland and Hong Kong respectively to regulate the transhipment cargoes under the principle of "cross-border lock and sub-regulation". At the same time, by simplifying customs clearance procedures and speeding up the process of cargo transit, to reduce the same goods were in Hong Kong and Guangdong immigration, the customs repeated the chance to achieve from Hong Kong by the two road ports, Of the entire fast customs clearance.

  Guangdong Customs and Excise Department inspectors Zhong Wanming said, "cross-border a lock plan" in Hong Kong has successfully covered the Hong Kong International Airport and other 12 major customs clearance points, Guangdong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, covering the airport, terminal, vehicle inspection center and express supervision center , Cross-border electric business park and other 22 clearance points.

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